Adversity… it is one of those words, isn’t it? One that we hope we will not ever face, or deal with; mostly, because we fear adversity, it scares us.
And, yet, adversity is part of our life, our business, our organization. It happens to all of us, and in this article, I want to focus on how to overcome it, taking a look at a series of factors, from beliefs to passion!
So, what’s adversity?
Adversity: a state, condition, or instance of serious or continued difficulty or adverse fortune (Ref: Merriam-Webster).
I actually believe that accepting the fact that adversity happens does help us in overcoming it. From that acceptance, we can them move onto taking onboard learning, and from then on, move forward with our life, our business, or organization.
Once we accept and take responsibility (shifting responsibility to anyone else other than you takes away your personal power), we reach a true place of empowerment, and we can powerfully move forward, and in the process, leverage these adverse events to their best.
How do we react to adversity?
There are as many ways to react to adversity as there are inhabitants on this planet. Each and every one of us will have our individual reactions to any events in our life. While there are no standard reactions, there are strategies stemmed from beliefs, attitudes and behaviours that can be modelled to help us overcome the adversity we face in our life, business, or organization.
How to overcome adversity?
With your mindset! (of course, you know me by now 😉 And, yes, it is a big answer, so here are some of the mindset keys that will help you overcome and deal with adversity by transforming these adverse events into turning points.
This is where your power and control lies. Yes, some events are out of your control, but, you can, at 100%, control your reactions to that event, and letting “it” impacts you, is your choice. We can always control our reactions — beliefs, attitudes and behaviours. An adverse event does not have power over you, unless, you let it have power over you.
Your brain believes everything you say, explaining why your words either ignite or extinguish your next action. Learn how to use the power of your mind to rewire your brain for success.
Your beliefs
When it comes to overcoming adversity, I believe that your beliefs are key. I like to say that your beliefs are like a pair of glasses you use to view the world. Each and every one of us have a series of beliefs: some are empowering; some are not. Our beliefs can help, or limit us, in our life, our business, or organization.
Your language
Paying attention to our language is also helpful in overcoming adversity.
Take a look at these 2 sentences:
That was such an adversity in my life.
That was such a turning point in my life.
What do you see?
And, say these out loud… What do you feel?
The second sentence should feel a lot more positive and empowering than the first one. And, yet, you are referring to the same event, whatever has happened, that obstacle, that roadblock.
For an adverse event to be called a turning point means that the person on the other side of the event called it a turning point. Also, when the event happens, move from “Why me?” — a very disempowering question, that puts you in the role of the victim — to “Yes me!” — a much more empowering affirmation, based on the fact that the adverse event is shaping you into the person you will be tomorrow. Both of these distinctions, are different ways of looking at things, new perspectives, and it comes from within.
Your meanings
What is also in your power and control is to watch out for the meanings you attach to the events that happen in your life, in your business, or organization. It is a good strategy to pause, reflect and ask yourself, what meaning are you attaching to such and such events, and tweak as necessary, to ensure the meaning is not blocking you, blaming you, nor holding you back.
Your learning
Another key to overcome adversity is to learn from your adverse events, to take stock and draw a list of lessons learned. This process — very often used in large organizations, is tremendously helpful in our own life too, as it enables you to take strength from these events, and move forward. There is something to learn from every experience that you have.
Your passion
And, from experience, last, but not least, a key ingredient, passion. I truly believe that passion is a real driver, and, when things go wrong, and we need to dig deep, connecting with our passion gives us that drive, that oomph, that helps carry us forward and push through.
Remember, adversity wins when you let it win, by giving up, so don’t: fight, overcome it, and move towards your goals. We’ve all had turning points (or will have); our reactions, decisions and actions in these special moments determine our future.
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Until next time! 😉
To your Mountain Moving Mindset.
Let’s Lead Beyond The Edge,