I believe Walt Disney was one of the best dreamers of the 20th century, and that his dreams directly impacted his success. The corporation he co-founded, The Walt Disney Company, has annual revenues of approximately USD $42 billion. (Source: Wikipedia)
As Walt Disney is a huge inspiration to me, I wanted to write this article to share with you how you too can become one of the best dreamers of the 21st century, thus impacting your success in your life, career, and business.
And, it all starts with dreaming! This is an interesting place to start as, from experience, at first it may sound wishy-washy (not my words, but heard these many times before). Dreaming is a must, and it worked for Walt, so I’m sure you’ll give it a go too.
First, we dream…
“If you can dream it, you can do it.”
Walt Disney
When was the last time you can recall dreaming? If you are still thinking about it, it has been too long. I know how it goes, you started dreaming at the very beginning, and then you got engrossed in your life, career, business, and had no time for it anymore.
Dreaming about your vision regularly – I personally do it daily as part of my morning routine, and actively, so that you see it, hear it and feel it, is the first step in the process. It takes a few minutes, so fully dive into that vision: imagine every single detail, see the colours and visuals, hear the noises and conversations, feel the feelings as if your dream is actually happening.
Do listen to your dreams, as it is the first step to make these happen.
Next, we believe…
“When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable.”
Walt Disney
Do you remember taking a leap of faith? It might have been to interview for that new role, or to launch your business, or for something else? At that particular moment, you absolutely believed. And then, things happened, or did not happen the way that you had planned, or went completely wrong, and you momentarily stopped believing.
The instant you believe you can achieve anything you are dreaming of, is one of the most magical moments in your life. Click to tweet!
When you don’t believe, it makes it harder for possibilities and opportunities to present themselves in your life, career, business. The instant you believe you can achieve anything you are dreaming of, is one of the most magical moments in your life. Believing in your dreams is the second step in the process. Strengthen that belief by creating your vision board: simply tear out pictures and phrases from magazines and newspapers of your vision, passion, goals, and aspirations.
Do have that unshakeable belief that you really truly believe you can make it happen.
Then, we act…
“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.”
Walt Disney
Can you remember a time when you made something happen and achieved one of your goals? And, that confident feeling, knowing that you had made it happen, that came with that achievement? This was a time when you had taken action towards making your dream come true.
Don’t stumble because you don’t know the whole plan. This is an excuse. The only thing you need to know is that first action. Click to tweet!
Once you have the dream, and you believe it is possible for you to make it happen, the third and final step in the process is to take action. And, don’t stumble or hesitate because you don’t know the whole plan. This is an excuse. The only thing you need to know is that first action. Ask yourself, what is the first thing you need to do? And, then do it, and repeat the step. Also, take into account that to reach one of your dreams, your action steps will more than likely include new steps as you must act differently to get something different.
Do take action, as it is the key step to transform your dreams into an achievable reality.
And, we make it happen!
There you have it, a 3-step process to implement this mindset success strategy inspired by Walt Disney.
And, yes, you may think, “But, he was Walt Disney”… but the ‘but’ is all in your head! When you think about it, we are all magicians as we have the ability to make our dreams come true by dreaming, believing, and acting.
What do you think? I’d love to hear from you! Which step(s) of the process do you need to shift your focus onto by applying the tactic?
Please leave a comment and join the below conversation!
Until next time
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This article first appeared in The Small Business Owner Magazine as part of my regular mindset column.
To your Mountain Moving Mindset,