Frederique really does deliver on her promise of high quality content that will have you heading in the direction you need to be heading.
“Thanks for a very professionally presented fabulous 7th Gear Shift day. My favourite part of event… Crikey, where do I start, the WHOLE day was amazing!! I got complete clarity on my niche and how to develop it, so now I know what direction I am going instead of floundering around experimenting with lots of niches and getting nowhere. I got complete focus on what I’m an expert at and where I need to focus my effort. I also now know how to go about that and have already started making some of the changes to get me where I want to be (and it’s only Monday of the 1st week!) Now, I am a lot more pro-active and seek out assistance and/or feedback where I need it. My website content is nearly re-written to target my niche properly. I’ve got my enthusiasm back and can see where I’m headed and how to get there, instead of it being an overwhelming task I’m really looking forward to completing the steps towards my outcome. The event investment was exceptionally good value, I’ve paid higher prices for less valuable content. Frederique really does deliver on her promise of high quality content that will have you heading in the direction you need to be heading. Thank you again for a fantastic day. Engines are definitely revving, foot is quivering on the throttle and I’m ready to go squealing out of the paddock and back onto the track – pole position is MINE!!!”
Since then, Mairéad returned as an attendee; wondering why? Here is what she answered:
“I find the 7th Gear Shift event to be one of those intensive 1-day events to be my ass-kicking to get me moving. And it does get me moving, it moves me WAY forward!”