Understand This One Brain Filter Today And Be A Better Leader Tomorrow (you use it every day, so make sure it works for you!)

Did you know that we view and experience our own reality through a series of filters? These mind filters help us both from an input perspective (taking in information) and an output one (releasing information). We use them all the time, whether we realise it or not: these are critical to enable our brain to process the considerable amount of information we face in our daily lives.

By understanding how your brain works, and specifically today how this filter works and how you personally handle it, you will be able to fully leverage it, improve so many things in your life, career, and business, and be a better leader. This is what is exciting about neuro-leadership, so let’s discuss this specific brain filter! Continue reading “Understand This One Brain Filter Today And Be A Better Leader Tomorrow (you use it every day, so make sure it works for you!)”