Become Best Friend With Your Inner Saboteur

While we are all surrounded by critics, the reality is that out of all of these critics, we are our own worst ones, right? There are things that we do that directly impact negatively our success in our life, career and business. There are ways to stop these negative thoughts, behaviours and actions, and that’s where your best friend comes in.

Your best friend can not only help you but actually teach you lessons that will positively impact your success in everything that you do. And, no excuse, such as, “Shoot, my best friend is away, or lives across the country, or etc, etc, etc…” as you can learn virtually. Continue reading “Become Best Friend With Your Inner Saboteur”

The Link Between Making Decisions And Your Future

When we think of achievements and results, we often refer to taking action. It is 100% true: action is critical to success. But it is not 100% complete.

I’d like you to imagine a chain; you can think of your favourite necklace or bracelet, or your car or bicycle chain; see it? You see, how it is formed by a series of links: each link connecting to the next one, that connects to the next one, and it continues for the whole chain. Continue reading “The Link Between Making Decisions And Your Future”

7 Steps To Turning Imaginary Dreams Into Reachable Goals

Recently, one of my M3 Power Community members reached out to me and said: “I dream a lot, but I can’t seem to make it happen for real.” Can you relate? I know that I can, and for sure remember a time in my life when this was happening. You see, we all dream, but we don’t all turn dream into reality.


From experience, both personal and working with clients, these are seven of the most common reasons why a dream remains a dream: the dream is fuzzy; the dream clashes with an existing reality; the dream is private; the dream is overwhelming; the dream is intangible; the dream is “just” a dream; the dream is the end. Continue reading “7 Steps To Turning Imaginary Dreams Into Reachable Goals”

The Number ONE Enemy Of Success (And How You Want To Befriend It!)

On a recent interview, I was asked for my definition of success; it was not the first time I was asked that particular question, and over the years, my answer has remained the same: for me, success is living on purpose.


Living on purpose gives me the wealth (and you know that when I use this word, I mean way more than “cash”) that makes me successful. So, on one hand, it seems pretty straightforward, right? You want to be happy? Find your purpose, and success will follow. So, how come does it not really work out like this? It does not because, on the other hand, finding your purpose is not exactly the challenge… The challenge comes up with the decision to live your purpose. Continue reading “The Number ONE Enemy Of Success (And How You Want To Befriend It!)”