5 Words That Block Your Success (I Stopped Using Them All, Especially #3!)

I truly believe that words are powerful, and if you are a member of my M3 Power Community, you particularly know that, since we start every week together with a handful of words shared by me to either challenge you, motivate you, energise you, or all of these. These words act as an inspiring nudge to help you start your week the M3 way.


The reason why this is so important is that your words shape your reality. Your brain listens and believes everything that you think and say. This means that your words either ignite or extinguish your next action. It is time to pay attention to your language, so that it supports you as you lead your life, career, and business. Continue reading “5 Words That Block Your Success (I Stopped Using Them All, Especially #3!)”

The Unlikely Success Ingredient: A 3-Step Process Inspired By Walt Disney

I believe Walt Disney was one of the best dreamers of the 20th century, and that his dreams directly impacted his success. The corporation he co-founded, The Walt Disney Company, has annual revenues of approximately USD $42 billion. (Source: Wikipedia)

As Walt Disney is a huge inspiration to me, I wanted to write this article to share with you how you too can become one of the best dreamers of the 21st century, thus impacting your success in your life, career, and business.


And, it all starts with dreaming! This is an interesting place to start as, from experience, at first it may sound wishy-washy (not my words, but heard these many times before). Dreaming is a must, and it worked for Walt, so I’m sure you’ll give it a go too. Continue reading “The Unlikely Success Ingredient: A 3-Step Process Inspired By Walt Disney”

The Best of Mountain Moving Mindset: 2013 Edition

2014, New Year!
New Beginnings!
New Successes!

And to kick-start this year in-style, I’d like to feature the mindset shifts and strategies that you, as our readers, have found the most valuable in 2013. Below, you will find our 2013 Top 10, which has been selected thanks to a range of criteria, such as feedback (comments, shares, pingbacks, trackbacks) and page views and traffic.

Your success is determined by your commitment to make it happen. Click to tweet!

Whether you are a loyal reader, or are seeing these for the first time, this is a terrific way to either refresh your memory or review a wide range of popular mindset shifts, AND apply the strategies to your life, career or business. Have a look at the whole list, each blog post has been ranked and a brief overview of the mindset shift has been highlighted.

Continue reading “The Best of Mountain Moving Mindset: 2013 Edition”

The Secret Of Achieving That Goal You`ve Been Trying To For Years

Ever wondered what could be the reason behind you not achieving one of your goals, despite trying, and trying, and trying some more? For instance, have you been trying for years to lose weight, or been trying for years to get that senior promotion, or been trying for years to grow your business?

What if I was telling you that this could well be because you actually do not want to achieve your goal. Intrigued? Let’s discuss some more… I know that at first glance, it sounds completely illogical, and yet, it happens more often than you think, and indeed, could be happening to you right now and, for years. I know that it has happened to me before, and upon uncovering this out, saying that I was surprised is an understatement! Continue reading “The Secret Of Achieving That Goal You`ve Been Trying To For Years”

Dealing With The Anti-Climax Of Reaching A Milestone (or How To Manage Your Blues)!

Have you ever experienced this before, or you might even be experiencing this right now? You work hard towards something, and when you finally reach it, it is not at all what you thought… You’ve reached your milestone: you did it, it is over, and yet, you wonder: so what, what was all that hard work and excitement about…? Not at all how you thought you’d be feeling: no joy, no happiness. No, instead you are tired, exhausted, numbed, lost, sad, depressed, overwhelmed, moody, empty…

This happens with any milestones and applies to both your personal life – from passing an exam, to graduating, to getting married, to finding out you’re expecting, to having a baby, to celebrating a special occasion, such as a birthday or Christmas, to training and participating in a marathon, as well as your professional life – from launching a new product or service, to being promoted, to leading an event, to speaking at a conference, to writing and publishing a book, etc.

This is called an anti-climax, or the blues; it is a phase experienced after reaching a milestone. And, you know me, I’d never write about anything that I have not experienced myself. I have had LOTS of anti-climax phases and before I knew what it was, I stayed in those phases for weeks, months even, at a time, until I found out ways to deal with these. Continue reading “Dealing With The Anti-Climax Of Reaching A Milestone (or How To Manage Your Blues)!”

How To Turn Your Confidence ON!

One of the most fascinating aspects of mindset is that it encapsulates many components, and that each of these can be taught and learned. That’s one of the things that attracted me to this field because you can learn and master any of these components to impact your life, career, and business.

Let’s look at one of these integral mindset components: confidence. Your confidence (or lack thereof) has a direct impact on your success, and I will share some of my favourite strategies for you to boost it, so that you can maximise your success. Continue reading “How To Turn Your Confidence ON!”

Take Charge Of Your Happiness In 6 Steps

This is our 100th article!!!

To mark this occasion, I wanted to do something a little bit different, so this article comes to you via a video (video is under 12min).

I want to talk about that one thing that all of us want; if I were to ask you to list for me what it is that you want in life, from experience, this topic will come up in your Top 10, if not your Top 3. I believe this topic is everything, and it is directly linked to achieving what you want:

You want to be happy.
I want to be happy.
We all want that happiness.
Continue reading “Take Charge Of Your Happiness In 6 Steps”

Reach More Goals With Mental Rehearsal

When you see someone reach their goals again, and again, and again, you more than likely ask yourself: “How do they do it?”, right? Because the basic steps, the goals how-to, you know them; in fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if you’ve either read about goal setting, or even attended a goal setting course before, right? So, that leaves us to wonder: if you know the basics, apply them, and yet, do not reach your goals the same way as your successful colleague, friend, budding entrepreneur does, you must ask yourself, “Am I missing something?”.

There is one answer to this question, and it is Yes! As far, as what it is that you are missing, it falls into 2 categories: 1, the plus steps, and 2, the M3 Mile step.  Continue reading “Reach More Goals With Mental Rehearsal”

Jump-Start Your 2nd Semester => Top 3 Mindset Highlights!

Wow! Can you believe it?
We are half way through the year!!!

And, to jump-start the second semester, I`d like to feature the mindset shifts, techniques and tips that you, as our readers, have found the most valuable during the first semester.

Whether you are a loyal reader, or are seeing these for the first time, this is a terrific way to either refresh your memory or review a range of popular mindset topics, AND apply the strategies to your life, career or business.

Have a look at this Top 3 Highlights; each blog post has been ranked and a brief overview of the mindset topic has been highlighted, along with one of our reader comments. Continue reading “Jump-Start Your 2nd Semester => Top 3 Mindset Highlights!”

Boost Your Productivity One Sticky Note At A Time!

I don’t think a day passes by without me sharing with one of my clients one of my sticky note strategies, so I thought I’d compile my favourite ones, and share these with you today. The reason why these come up often during sessions and talks is that a sticky note (and yes, I’m talking about this small square, often yellow, piece of paper!) is an amazing tool for boosting your productivity.

All of these sticky note ways will work using the original paper version or the electronic ones such as Stickies for MAC or Sticky Notes for PC (two free utilities). And, I know that I’ve written about a clarity brainstorming strategy before, using several packs of sticky notes, in 12 Questions That Lead To Clarity, but where this differs is that each of these only uses ONE sticky note, which in itself is very important as it avoids overwhelm. Continue reading “Boost Your Productivity One Sticky Note At A Time!”