When you see someone reach their goals again, and again, and again, you more than likely ask yourself: “How do they do it?”, right? Because the basic steps, the goals how-to, you know them; in fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if you’ve either read about goal setting, or even attended a goal setting course before, right? So, that leaves us to wonder: if you know the basics, apply them, and yet, do not reach your goals the same way as your successful colleague, friend, budding entrepreneur does, you must ask yourself, “Am I missing something?”.
There is one answer to this question, and it is Yes! As far, as what it is that you are missing, it falls into 2 categories: 1, the plus steps, and 2, the M3 Mile step.
1, The plus steps, I cover these, in length, in my Goal Reaching handbook, which you can get right now as it comes complimentary when joining the free and inspiring M3 Power Community. It is important, in order to maximise your goals reach, that you go above and beyond goal setting, and this tracker helps you do that, step-by step. 2, The M3 Mile step, that extra step, that “je ne sais quoi” step, that enables you to reach more of your goals!
That M3 Mile step will no longer be mysterious, as I’m sharing it with you in this article, so that you too can reach a lot more of your goals. Reaching your goals is key to your success, and it spans across everything: life, career, business. And, thanks to this strategy, you absolutely can step up your game by reaching more of your goals.
In the excellent and ‘brain-blowing’ book, Make Your Brain Work, Amy Brann writes: “Neuroscientists believe that being able to see and hold in your mind a picture of what you want to do makes it possible to then do it.” She also shares, later in the book, within the ‘What is possible’ sub-chapter, an absolutely fascinating study, where “at an hospital in New York researchers worked to try to make people who were paralysed move again”, and you need to get your hands on the book to read the results! So, what is possible? In the words of Napoleon Hill, “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”
Visualisation is powerful, but not without acting; it’s about acting & stepping up, by leveraging the power of visualisation. Click to tweet!
What if, as you are working towards your goals, you visualise having reached them already?
Champions, in both physical and mental sports, from boxing to chess, such as Muhammad Ali, Jack Nicklaus, Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan, Natan Sharansky all credit their success to mental rehearsal, a form of visualisation.
Visualisation is a powerful success strategy, and will help you step up your game by:
- Boosting your motivation,
- Inspiring you to push through,
- Sustaining your momentum,
- Increasing your confidence,
- Improving your focus,
- Enhancing your performance,
- Enticing you to reach higher and bigger!
All of these, which are critical to achieve more by reaching more of your goals.
So, let’s look at a couple of examples: Context / Goal / Visualisation
- Life / Run a marathon / What will you experience when you achieve it? You want to focus on as many details as possible: what you’ll see, hear, sense, feel, touch, smell, taste.
- Career / Get that promotion / What will you experience when you achieve it? You want to focus on as many details as possible: what you’ll see, hear, sense, feel, touch, smell, taste.
- Business / Speak in front of a live audience / What will you experience when you achieve it? You want to focus on as many details as possible: what you’ll see, hear, sense, feel, touch, smell, taste.
And, here we have it:
Goal Success Formula
M3 Goal Reaching 9-step process + The 10th M3 Mile Step (Visualisation)
Action and Visualisation is a powerful combo that will
help you reach your goal, again, and again, and again!
Albert Einstein said: “Your imagination is your preview of life’s coming attractions“.
Be limitless with what you can achieve; always remember that the only limits you have are the ones you gave yourself. Click to tweet!
Have you used visualisation before? If so, would you share your experience in how this step is helping you? In not, for which life, career, and business’ goals are you going to use this strategy today?
Please leave a comment and join the below conversation!
Until next time
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To your Mountain Moving Mindset,