Tantalized me… Not only were you “standing on the edge” of a big jump in your life’s story, but you had me, and others, on that edge with you.
“Frederique, you have wonderful energy and enthusiasm for life, and when you present you offer all of that and more. I was particularly struck in your recent presentation by its structure. The combination of your own personal stories, which drew me into wanting to know more, woven in with very clear steps and strategies for confronting and overcoming fear, tantalized me as I waited expectantly to hear the conclusions of each of those stories. Not only were you “standing on the edge” of a big jump in your life’s story, but you had me, and others, on that edge with you. Getting emotional engagement in your very expressive style was the key to the impact of your presentation, and I’m delighted to have been with you for this latest one, absorbing your distilled wisdom and experiencing your high energy.”
From beginning to end, I was gaining the knowledge she was sharing with us. Joanna Skóra
Joanna Skóra