This article can be read on its own, or alongside the one called “5 Strategies To Get Yourself Into Gear”. Knowing both how to overcome your starting stumbling blocks and your finishing ones will make you unstoppable, as you’ll learn how to control your mind as you start and finish projects in your life, career and business.
Do you find it hard to finish projects? If so, you are going to love these mindset strategies, as your mindset has everything to do with what you finish… and what you don’t!
Take a look at these five strategies: by identifying those that have been holding you back up to now, you will already powerfully leap over something new in yourself, and in your life, career or business.
Mindset Leap #1
=> START seeing the finish line.
To finish something you need to know what the completion looks like. Unless you take the time to ask yourself what needs to happen for this project to finish, AND take the time to answer it, finishing can be hard, as it is hard to finish something you are not sure of. START seeing the finish line: know exactly what needs to happen to finish.
Mindset Leap #2
=> STOP making excuses.
Excuses and distractions often present themselves to keep you from finishing; your mind knows how to distract you, as doing so brings you a comfortable feeling. But, you know that what you want is outside of your comfort zone, so you need to stand strong and not fall for it. STOP making excuses: you are on the home stretch and doing it.
Mindset Leap #3
=> START visualising the celebration.
When you are near the end of a project, it is not uncommon to feel tired, as indeed most of the work and effort has already been put in. Use that time to think of what it is you are going to do once you complete it, and dream about doing it. START visualising the celebration: your reward desire will motivate you further.
Mindset Leap #4
=> STOP living in fear.
Fear can be a powerful block to you finishing something. You might be fearful of failing, of not knowing what will come up next, of succeeding, of what people will think, etc… It is normal to have fear when you aim at BIG things: don’t let these fear moments control your decisions. STOP living in fear: you can break through what is holding you back.
It is normal to have fear when you aim at BIG things: don’t let these fear moments control your decisions. Click to tweet!
Mindset Leap #5
=> START thinking ahead.
Sometimes you do not want to finish as you see completing this project as the end, and you can understandingly feel a bit deflated about that. Project yourself beyond your project completion and identify at least one thing that this completed project will enable you to do next. START thinking ahead: your anticipation of what’ll come next will drive you forward.
Leap across the finish line by applying each of these 5 strategies:
=> START seeing the finish line.
=> STOP making excuses.
=> START visualising the celebration.
=> STOP living in fear.
=> START thinking ahead.
Next, we make it happen…
Think of a project you have yet to complete, that one that has been in your mind for a long time, come on, you know the one…! Got it?
Let’s run it through these strategies, as you go from leap to leap.
You are here, Leap #1: This is it, you are SO close to finishing your project that you can clearly see the finish line, and you know exactly what needs to be done next. Leap to #2: Pay extra attention to what comes up, particularly any excuses or distractions; be stronger than these, you are on the home stretch. Leap to #3: How will you celebrate your project completion: know it, see it, and even book or prearrange it! Leap to #4: Face your fear, and move forward anyway, focus on that amazing feeling you will have when the project is completed. Leap to #5: What is that one thing that the completion of your project will enable you to do next? Got it…? How exciting!!!
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, You are leaping!!!
What do you think? I’d love to hear from you! Which project have you now decided to finish next?
Please leave a comment and join the below conversation!
Until next time
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To your Mountain Moving Mindset,