It is best practice to have a series of strategies to help us run our life, career, and business (you know that as I’ve written about strategies many times before, here and there for instance!). Having strategies in place help us gain more control over our activities, thus ensuring an alignment between tasks and goals, as we work towards, and achieve our desired results.
From having an overall life or career or business strategy, to having specific strategies that we use to guide us on our day-to-day activities: communication strategy, health strategy, marketing strategy, shopping strategy, sales strategy, relationship strategy, development strategy… And, the list goes on, and on. Strategies positively drive and impact our results.
Every time we identify an important area in our life, personal or professional, we put a strategy in place to help us make the most of it. So, let me ask you: what about your mind strategy? We know how important our mind is, and yet, we tend not to have designed a strategy for it. It is particularly important to have a mind strategy, as without it, your mind still keeps working, but it might be working against you. Having a mind strategy helps you ensure that your mindset works with you, not against you.
I hear you say: “Ok, I get your point, but mindset is different; with my marketing strategy, I know I have specific tasks I can put on my to do list. I cannot do that with mindset…”. I understand, and the best thing I can do to alter that belief, is to share with you a series of mindset boosters you can apply today to boost your results tomorrow.
The approach is not to put “Mindset” on your list as a task, but rather focus on one of the mindset facets. If you’ve been reading my content for a while, you’ll know how I often compare your mindset to a piece of charcoal, and the more you focus on its facets (such as confidence, focus, productivity, clarity, alignment…), the more it shines.
Mindset Booster #1
Everything that you want is outside of your comfort zone. If it was in it, you would already have it. Mind Boost! Write down 3 things that you’d love to happen in your life, career and business; then for each of these, write down 5 ways to make it happen. This task will help you identify what is it that currently sits outside of your box; as a result, you’ll have a clear plan of actions, with 15 ways, to make it happen.
Mindset Booster #2
Being confident is a state of mind and one that you can step in consciously every single day. Mind Boost! Write down 5 personal and 5 professional accomplishments; no judging, size does not matter, all wins count. This task will help you remind yourself, and acknowledge your accomplishments; as a result, this will boost your confidence.
Mindset Booster #3
As children, we are taught to follow the rules. As adults, we learn we can sometimes be bold and bend the rules. Mind Boost! Remember a time, when you bended the rules, and stepped out of the “norm”: recall the details (you may want to close your eyes), what you saw, heard and felt at that moment, when you stepped out. This task will help you connect with your boldness; as a result, you’ll consciously know that as you did it once, you can do it again and again.
Mindset Booster #4
Your level of productivity is directly linked to the level of your success. Mind Boost! Use a time/activity log to identify the times during the day, when you produce the most activities. You want to be more precise than simply say “early bird / night owl”, and identify at least 2 sets of an hour. This task will help you find out your productivity peaks throughout the day; as a result, this will boost your productivity by leveraging this information to maximise every day.
Mindset Booster #5
When you’re on a path, it’s crucial for it to be aligned & congruent both with yourself & what you aspire to. Mind Boost!Pause and reflect on your current activities and ensure that these are 100% aligned with what you are aiming towards. Do not hesitate to ditch distractions and learn how to say no to opportunities. This task will help you check and provide you with an extra layer of congruence; as a result, you’ll soon notice how much faster you’re progressing towards your overall outcome.
That’s it!
But, wait a minute…
What about the 0.5 Booster?
It applies to each of these 5 boosters, and here is my favourite mind-blowing (pun intended!) booster. The more you prompt yourself with these tasks, the less you’ll have to think about them to actually do them. You see, you are so powerful that using the power of your mind, you can change your brain. Yes, you can turn something new that you once had to think about to do into something familiar, and you’ll naturally do it without even having to think about it – your brain pays attention, and learns from you.
Your brain pays attention & learns from you, so use the power of your mind to change your brain. Click to tweet!
This is not an exhaustive list, but these 5.5 mindset boosters are a great way to start or continue working on your mindset, and ensure your mind supports you in your day-to-day activities as you lead your life, and run your career or business. This is what having a Mind Strategy is about: you making the most of everything, day after day.
What do you think? I’d love to hear from you! Have you ever used one of these boosters before? If so, how was it? If not yet, which one will you write on your Action List tomorrow?
Please leave a comment and join the below conversation!
Until next time
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To your Mountain Moving Mindset,
Some of the comments received via Twitter:
@IrishSmiley Love this, your conscious mind learns from your unconscious mind – so feed your unconscious mind!
— Hannah Massarella (@Hannahmazz) May 28, 2014
@IrishSmiley Wow – just read 5.5 – Wow, Wow, thank so much.
— Liz Jillson (@NurseLizJ) May 23, 2014