While we are all surrounded by critics, the reality is that out of all of these critics, we are our own worst ones, right? There are things that we do that directly impact negatively our success in our life, career and business. There are ways to stop these negative thoughts, behaviours and actions, and that’s where your best friend comes in.
Your best friend can not only help you but actually teach you lessons that will positively impact your success in everything that you do. And, no excuse, such as, “Shoot, my best friend is away, or lives across the country, or etc, etc, etc…” as you can learn virtually.
Here are 3 success lessons that you can learn thanks to your best friend, right here, right now, whether he or she is around…!
Success Lesson #1 => Your language
Scenario: imagine, you are in your kitchen and you break a glass, or you are late for a very important meeting or conference and you get lost; at that moment, you start talking to yourself and I leave it up to you to know what you say to yourself (I want to keep the language clean here!).
Impact: this is a very harmful behaviour as you’ve just talked down to yourself, made you feel miserable, and would carry that with you to your next activity, i.e.: host a party, have a romantic dinner, underperform at your meeting, delivery a poor speech at your conference.
And, that’s where your best friend comes in…! Ask yourself, would you talk to your best friend the way that you’ve just spoken to yourself? No, you would not, and that gives you the perspective you need to stop doing it right now. Truth to be told, if anyone was talking to you the way, you sometimes talk to yourself, you’d give them a piece of your mind, so stop it.
Success Lesson #2 => Your belief
Scenario: imagine, you are about to go to a karaoke bar, or interview for a new job, or step on stage to deliver your talk, and you start thinking that you are not good enough; at that moment, you believe that it is true and that you cannot make it happen.
Impact: this is a very harmful behaviour as you’ve just shattered your self-belief as you are about to do something that is important to you, i.e.: enjoy a night out with friends, get that dream job, connect and engage powerfully with your audience.
And, that’s where your best friend comes in…! Ask yourself, what would my best friend tell me right now? He/she would be supportive of your nerves and encourage you to be the best that you can be by reminding you of how great you are, and that gives you the perspective you need to overcome this right now. Start listing your proudest moments and accomplishments and pump yourself up.
Success Lesson #3 => Your calendar
Scenario: imagine, you have planned and diarised to go to the gym, or to spend some time on your career development or business plan, and you cancel it at the last minute; at that moment, you are procrastinating and not acting upon something that you want.
Impact: this is a very harmful behaviour as you’ve just disregarded the decision that you’ve previously made based on something you want to achieve, i.e.: tone your body, lose weight, train for a race, develop your career, strategise on your business.
And, that’s where your best friend comes in…! Ask yourself, would you cancel on your best friend the way that you’ve just cancelled on yourself? No, you would not, and that gives you the perspective you need to stop doing it right now. Truth to be told, if anyone was cancelling on you the way, you sometimes cancel your own appointments, you’d give them a piece of your mind, so stop it.
Thanks to your Best Friend Strategy (BFS), you’ve learnt how to:
• control your self-talk, so that you ensure your mind is at its top by managing your language,
=> Our language ultimately impacts our results, since everything starts with our thoughts.
Our beliefs in ourselves are the cornerstone of our success. Click to tweet!
• believe in yourself, so that you boost your confidence and go for what you want,
=> Our beliefs in ourselves are the cornerstone of our success.
• respect yourself, so that you stick to your plan and progress along the way.
=> Our progress is 100% our responsibility: we think, make decisions, and act.
These are 3 very powerful success lessons, all taught via the help of your best friend, and all directly aiming at a brighter future, where you make it happen.
Experience the scenarios,
Apply the Best Friend Strategy,
Stop hindering your progress,
Experience more results in your life, career, and business.
Can you relate to any of these scenarios?
Please leave a comment and join the below conversation!
Until next time
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To your Mountain Moving Mindset,
Comments received via Twitter :
@IrishSmiley Hi Frederique I really love your post – it’s a fantastic concept yet so simple to do. Regards, Michael.
— Michael O’Mahony (@michomah) June 14, 2013
3 Success Lessons Your Best Friend Can Teach You http://t.co/yHSPGUplqF via @IrishSmiley #Mindset #Strategy #Leadership #Inspiration
— Sean Gallahar (@i7Sean) June 14, 2013
@IrishSmiley Your blog in regard to “Your Best Friend” was very insightful. In order to succeed we have to be our own best friend and…
— Stefan Prater (@stefanico) June 17, 2013
@IrishSmiley believe in ourselves. Your blog spoke volumes and it was as if you were reading my mind. I will try to learn from these lessons
— Stefan Prater (@stefanico) June 17, 2013